
Time of application Recommendation
Soil applicationTRUSOIL® 10kg + NEMARID® 500ml/acre
10th day MINBOOST® 2ml + EXOME SECURE® 1ml + EXOME GAINUP® 1ml/litre of water
20th dayMINBOOST® 2ml + TELS-BV® 2ml/litre of water
30th day TETRAPOWER 2ml + EXOME HARVESTER® 2ml/litre of water
40th day TETRAPOWER 2ml + TELS-BV® 2ml/litre of water
50th day K-BIO® 2ml + CALRATNA ®2ml/litre of water
60th day K-BIO® 3ML + EXOME SECURE® 1ml/litre of water
If 75 days duration variety Spraying one more K-BIO® 3ml/litre of water