MINBOOST™ is completely bioavailable balanced organic mineral supplement designed to give comprehensive micro mineral and amino acid supplementation for the plant ensuring complete uptake. MINBOOST™ takes care of the overall plant development throughout the life cycle. MINBOOST™ is a fine tuned basal and foliar biological supplement for the improvement of the basic soil conditions. Due to MINBOOST™ unique formulation which makes it highly penetrable. MINBOOST™ has an excellent spray application.
- Unlike traditional fertilizers or supplements, MINBOOST™ has high bioavailable forms of Biological Macro and Micro nutrients.
- Unlikely traditional fertilisers or supplements, MINBOOST™ ensures that there is no evaporation.
- Easily digestible from naturally accelerated growth.
- Bio organic mixture carrier for easy transportation in to the cell sap.
- Facilitates the growth of soil friendly microbes.
- MINBOOST™ enhances the vegetative & reproductive growth of the plants.
- Improves the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements to the plant during the entire crop cycle.
- Protects the soil friendly microbes and reduces the soil nutrient deficiencies.
- Regulates enzyme and starch metabolism.
- Reduces nutrient lodging and reduces stunted growth.
- Improve crop yields.