M-POWER is a combination of plant extracts and sea weed extracts.M-POWER increases the soil fertility and increases the Nitrogen metabolism of the plant. M-POWER a natural triangular balance for plants,environment and human beings.
  • Natural growth enhancer for roots.
  • M-POWER provides structural support and protection against abiotic stress.
  • Multifunctional for plants as well as soils.
  • Helps the soil to rejuvenate.
  • M-POWER helps the soil to facilitate the proliferation of soil microbial flora.
  • M-POWER helps the plant to produce natural detoxifying enzymes to break down the pathogen bounded toxins.
  • Improves crop yields.


  • 2 ml per liter of water as a direct soil application/ foliar application, fertigation, drenching and drip irrigation.

Soil Application:

  • After harvesting completed tilt the soil and give first spray.
  • Allow it to dry for 2 days.
  • Tilt the soil up to 1.5 feet and spray again, and leave it for 2 days.
  • Level it and spray again.
  • After leveling give a border drench.
  • Use after 3-4 days for transplanted.