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Calcium for plants

Calratna: A Vital Biostimulant for More Robust Crops

CALRATNA® : A Vital Biostimulant for Robust Crops

Healthy development and stress tolerance is a major challenge in agriculture. CALRATNA® is a pioneering product of Exome Life Sciences, a company that puts biotechnology at its core, to address this pressing problem. This is intended to improve the uptake of calcium from soil, support the plants’ natural defenses, and shield plants from harmful environments. The many advantages of CALRATNA® are explained in this article, along with its essential function in sustainable agriculture.
What is CALRATNA®?

The unique organic biostimulant called CALRATNA® that Exome Life Sciences has created, speeds up the overall uptake and transfer of all plant-derived nutrients to promote optimal plant growth. CALRATNA® facilitates the quick and thorough absorption of nutrients from the soil into the plant’s leaves and roots. It contributes to improved soil quality by encouraging the growth of microflora that is beneficial to the soil.
Main Advantages of CALRATNA®

A number of advantages provided by CALRATNA® help produce crops that are healthier and more productive.
– Nutrient Transportation: It guarantees that plants can absorb enough nutrients from the soil by encouraging thorough absorption via roots and leaves.
– Stress Tolerance: CALRATNA® lowers the impact of plant stress by increasing their ability to withstand environmental hardships.
– Fruit Quality: CALRATNA® helps in decreasing fruit abnormalities and enhances overall quality.
– Crop Yields: CALRATNA® boosts crop yields by increasing plant health and nutrient uptake.

Calcium for Plants

Calcium for PlantsCALRATNA® Implementation

Foliar spraying is the method used to apply CALRATNA®. The suggested dosage ranges from 0.5 to 2 milliliters per liter of water, depending on the type of crop and stage of growth.
Eco-Friendly: CALRATNA supports Exome Life Sciences‘ dedication to environmentally friendly farming practices. It is a biodegradable and environmentally safe product that doesn’t leave any residues in crops or the soil. This makes it a sustainable and efficient option for farmers who want to lessen the negative impact on the environment.

Encouraging Organic Farming: CALRATNA® can be utilized in setups that practice organic farming and also acts as a calcium booster for plants. Organic farmers seeking to improve crop health and production can find a sustainable solution in its natural, ecologically sound design that falls in line with organic farming standards.

The Fundamentals of CALRATNA

Research and Development

For the research and development of CALRATNA acts as a calcium booster for plants, Exome Life Sciences has made notable investments. The product is the outcome of a significant amount of biotechnology, soil science, and plant nutrition research. CALRATNA®’s safe and effective usage in agriculture is guaranteed by this comprehensive research and development procedure.

Exclusive Formulation

The novel formulation of CALRATNA® by Exome Life Sciences is made to increase plants’ uptake of nutrients. It incorporates technology where organic nutrient boosters guarantee that nutrient uptake in plants occurs quickly and is efficiently used by them.

CALRATNA® stimulates essential growth processes in crops and is an essential improvement in agricultural biostimulants. Farmers can increase yields and improve the quality of their produce by using CALRATNA®. It helps improve the uptake of calcium from soil and promotes overall plant health. Its ecological composition promotes sustainable farming methods, which are in line with the objectives of contemporary agriculture. A thriving and sustainable future for agriculture depends on finding creative solutions like CALRATNA® as farmers continue to face obstacles like erosion of soil and global warming.

The significance of CALRATNA as an organic plant nutrient booster has great potential which acts as a calcium booster for plants. CALRATNA® not only helps in nutrient uptake in plants but also strengthens their natural defenses against harmful and stressful environments. It is an optimal tool in the quest for better and more resilient crops due to its various benefits.The future of agriculture is being reshaped on a daily basis due to the introduction of such pioneering technologies.